Exchange 12 is site-aware application

April 14, 2006 at 10:09 AM2102

Exchange 12 uses Active Directory sites as a basis for choosing which servers to communicate with directly. What that means? When running native Exchange 12 organization no additional routing configuration is required. It automatically routes with minimal hops (shortest path between the source and destination). Each Active Directory site is considered a hop.

If no Bridgehead servers whithin site are available due to temporary network outages, mail will be queued at the point of failure. To avoid this kind of failures deploy multiple Exchange 12 Bridgehead servers whitin site. In this configuration mailflow between the Bridgehead and Mailbox servers is automatically load balanced by default. If one Bridhead server is unavailable (due failure or maintance) failover to other Bridgehead servers is automatic by default.

Posted in: Exchange
