Relaxing after a trip... (Zurich/Switzerland)

August 18, 2005 at 2:01 PM2102

This time I was in Switzerland. After a long trip with car (or short if compared to Nedtherlands ;-)) we arrived to Zurich in the middle of the night. It was raining and wasn`t too warm either - not a very promising weather for the parade on the next day. The hotel was little, but we had no objections.

< Pissed mode >
Untill we arrived to our room which could be described with one word - claustrophobic! But I could handle that too, the thing that was like really fu**** up was the bed - i have never ever slept on such a shi**y bed. It was too soft and when i lied down the bed transformed into a bird nest with a huge hole in the middle. Needles to mention we woke up like someone would beat the sh** out of us.
< / Pissed mode >

But despite everything we woke up in a beautiful morning - unbeliveable considering the amount of rain during the night. First we went to Streetparade for couple of hours and then to Energy party. I think they need to learn alot of things from Dutch party organisations. Energy was much better than Slovenian parties, but the stage and the whole scene looked as being only half finished - really poor scene as compared to eg. ID&T Sensation party. Hopefully they will take into consideration the feedback from this year`s visitors and do some improvements for next year`s edition.


Zurich as a city is very similar to Ljubljana so it felt almost like being at home.




And yes Zurich is a very expensive city! ;-)

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