The MS Exchange 2003 Information Store service quits after...

November 17, 2004 at 9:27 PM2102

The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service quits after a version conflict is detected in a public folder post in Exchange Server 2003

On your Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 computer, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service may quit unexpectedly. You may experience this problem soon after a version conflict is detected in a public folder post.

This problem occurs because of heap corruption in Exchange. This problem may occur if the following conditions are true:

  • The Exchange diagnostics logging level is set to 5 on the MSExchangeIS\Public Folders\Replication Conflicts object.
  • Exchange detects a version conflict in a public folder post. However, only one change number is associated with this version conflict.

This problem occurs in the Exchange event logging code. In this scenario, the event logging code incorrectly expects two change numbers to be involved in every version conflict. If only one change number is involved in a version conflict, the heap becomes corrupted. Soon after the heap becomes corrupted, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service may quit.

Typically, a version conflict does involve two change numbers. Each of these two change numbers corresponds to an uncommitted change to the information store. However, in the following sample scenario, only one change number is involved in a version conflict:

  • Two Microsoft Outlook users modify the same message. However, one Outlook user modifies this message while the user is connected to the Exchange computer. The second Outlook user modifies this message while the user is not connected to the Exchange computer.
  • The offline Outlook user synchronizes Outlook with the Exchange computer.

In this scenario, the online Outlook user's change to the message is committed to the information store. Therefore, there is no change number for the version conflict for this message. The second Outlook user's change is not committed to the information store until that second user synchronizes Outlook with Exchange. Therefore, there is only one change number that is involved in the version conflict for this message.

Microsoft  KB 884547

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