Spammers Skirt IP Authentication Attempts

September 7, 2004 at 10:49 AM2102

As enterprises continue to register Sender Protection Framework records, hoping to thwart spam and phishing attacks, spammers are upping the ante in the war on spam and registering their own SPF records.

E-mail security company MX Logic Inc. will report this week that 10 percent of all spam includes such SPF records, which are used to authenticate IP addresses of e-mail senders and stop spammers from forging return e-mail addresses. As a result, enterprises will need to increase their reliance on a form of white-listing called reputation analysis as a chief method of blocking spam.

Read the rest @eWeek

But did anyone really expect that SPF will prevent all spam? Well… maybe someone did… but that’s because of lack of understanding how SPF works. What I really like about SPF is that it protects innocent domains from spammers, virus/worms writers abusing them.

As matter of fact SPF is not antispam product at all. It only allows you to be confident in genuineness of domain and sender from that domain.

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