Blog (at) Mreza.Info
About Me
Saso Erdeljanov
Ljubljana, Slovenia
MVP - Exchange Server
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Exchange 2007 - End of Life
Blank ActiveSync ExternalUrl after Exchange 2013 CU3
Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools install issue
Issue after installing MS13-061 security update on Exchange 2013
Updates for Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2013 (+security fixes!)
Updated Release of Exchange 2013 RTM CU2
Released: Exchange Server 2013 RTM Cumulative Update 1
Bye, bye Community Server!
POW #14 - Exchange Server 2010 & Event ID 106
Exchange Server and Update Rollups Builds Numbers
Links of the Week #1
July 7, 2008 at 10:34 AM
Let's try this...
Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration Tool
(for Exchange 2003/2007) - The Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration tool is designed for administrators who want to manage the process of remotely erasing lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised mobile devices.
Microsoft Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool
- This Solution Accelerator provides automated tools and guidance that IT professionals can use to update offline virtual machines efficiently and without exposing them to security risks.
Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V and BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V and BitLocker Drive Encryption provide consolidated workloads a platform for secure data and systems. This paper describes detail steps for setting up this platform for deployment of virtual machines.
Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Professional Add-In for Rack Server Virtualization (Virtual Rack)
- Rack Server Virtualization Add-in provides the capability to pull the rack-server data either from an Excel spread sheet or from the user and render the Visio diagram.
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Service Pack 1
- The new features focus on configuration change management and enhanced troubleshooting designed to help you identify and resolve ISA Server configuration issues within the ISA Server Management console.
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Links of the Week
Luka Manojlovic
Exchange Team Blog
Is this thing on?
Lync Team Blog
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